Thursday, January 28, 2010

Kangeiko Day 4

Day 4: Sankajo

Kihon Dosa: Tai no Henko-2, to keep the center while moving esp. step2 (for Sankajo reverse pivot)
Sankajo: To remember the feeling of hands arms, and hips.

Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1 (I forgot to go through by the numbers)
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1 (I forgot to go through, "all way through with the second side people)
Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-2

Shomen Uchi Sankajo Nage-Forward (Kagarigeiko)
Shomen Uchi Sankajo Nage-Turn around (Kagarigeiko)

Class of 8, plus 2 teachers and me. I had a plan...still missed a lot of points to make...that created a quite bit of gaps between what I wanted the class to do, and they actually could have done. Its really hard to fill those gap at that moment even knowing that exists in the air. Its like...seeing something they are expecting to be explained or told but not knowing how to fill and push it through without enough explanation.

Its got much easier once teachers got off the mat, to leave for work...its hard enough to do a class and its even harder having senior teachers on the same mat.

Anyways, the message has to be delivered clearly, at the stage where I am at...I think its better to keep it simple too.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kangeiko Day 2

Day 2: Ikkajo

Kihon Dosa

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Katate Aya Mochi Ikkajo Nage
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Nage

Day 2; the class got bigger than Day 1 yesterday, 9 students on the mat. a bit crowded. The class kept moving pretty quickly still, people kept moving for most of the techniques. Its fun to go through techniques after techniques, and Nage techniques are simply fun to do.

Need to work on staying in the center, not come up, not lose the balance...etc.

545: Random techniques
Got a tip for Katate Mochi Ikkajo-2 shifting part. I was too busy not to lose pushing around move, losing my center when I turned around. I dont know how long it has been like that...maybe (or definitely) something I can work on better with Hiriki no Yosei-2.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kangeiko Day 1

Day 1: Shihonage

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-2
Shomen Uchi Shihonage
Yokomen Uchi Shiohonage-2

I feel like I lost every steady hips/knees are high to do anything...what am I going to do with me?? Well, I have to start pushing myself in every moment, otherwise it slipps away from me, I dont like that to happen...

My knee is still weak, and "the thought of its still weak", bothers me so much, maybe I have to switch my mind around to make it stronger rather than just avoiding to do things I dont feel comfortable with...I can not keep avoiding things need to be done forever...for example, even coming up from Shihonage uke is one of them.

Another Kangeiko started...6 people started today, everyone seemed pretty excited and good to train with certain number of people everyday. For me...I did not hit my head on the mat, just keep it to the record ; )

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

My Aikido Goal for this year:
*Get better at Uke
*No Test

I must confess... I named my blog "Hungry White Pajamas" being inspired by "Angry White Pyjamas"... : )

7:00 Class: Yokomen Uchi
I remember having the hard time learning this "Yokomen Uchi" in the beginning days. Its still hard but I think not knowing what to expect to do was the hardest part (for anything, this was one of the hardest)

Sensei broke all the steps and moved one step at a time.
  1. Just to block
  2. Block low and Pivot inside
  3. Block high and Pivot outside
 This is how far we got today, I wish we had another 20 mins to get into the techniques from there but I guess we have to come back to see how it goes after those points : )