Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday 7:00, May 14, 2008

Test Training

9th kyu test

Class of 11...Big class on Wednesday again.

Trained with 4 people, quite new people, I am afraid I did not lead well, it was a bit chaotic.
Its hard to pick the right point, at the right time...

Wednesday 5:45, May 14, 2008


Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1

Ikkajo, simple yet powerful technique, and of course difficult : )

I come to realize...I am not putting into much details as Sensei tells us to do.
I was amazed by the fact I was missing so many... have to fix that.

Also, things I started to manage not knowing the exact ways should be cleared as I find them. Today, we have asked how to sit in seiza together for suwariwaza. (that probably sensei told us before...) We come closer from kamae (as hands' cross) and sit together, should end up having 2 fists distance in between.

And the PIN! So much in it...there is no need to hurry to finish, there are so much to do. The key is to continue what you get (this case, Ikkajo with elbow)

I need to work on more with the angle of the last outside step (yet of course, suriashi) with Ikkajo-1, supposed to make the circle with uke's shoulder and my suriashi. I think I was trying to go too far, and losing balance, that I was pointed out the other day, so I fixed it to make it smaller along with different angle. (denied by Mike Sensei...I knew it was coming ; ))
After all, it was not the direction, it was the angle I was not doing quite right.

Very simple technique, makes my brain confused...(that happens often) : )

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Tuesday 7:00, May 13, 2008

Rolls, Flips and Kotegaeshi

Forward roll practice (using chairs)
Flip practice

Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2

Shumatsu Dosa-1 & 2 with partner

Note: Class of 6, Quite a bit of rolls/flips practice

We often take Sensie's uke for demo in the class, I used to think people who are in the certain level move almost the same...I really wondered why...now, I think I am doing pretty much the same way I used to watch, of course, I learned the safer way to take uke, that leads to almost the same manner...and also I think I can react better what Shite person is putting me in.

Tuesday 5:45, May 13, 2008


Kata Mochi Hijishime-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijishime-1&2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1

Katate Mochi Hijishime-1 & 2 (non basic)

Class of 3, I thought Hijishime was much more like Ikkajo...the secret of difference is revealed...

For Ikkajo, Shite wants to put Uke far ahead of yourself to keep the shoulder control as Shite going ahead (even in 2 techniques, you are going ahead).

For Hijishime, Shite wants to keep Uke close to you, so distancing is different. It is not the bigger circle the better.

I thought I found the light to figure Hijishime out when I thought realized the similality between Ikkajo and Hijishime...now, I am back in a maze again : )

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday 5:45 : May 7, 2008

Hijishime week

Tai no Henko-2
360 degree pivot

Kata Mochi Hijishime-1

Class of 3. Happy to do hijishime since no chance to hit my head unless I do something extremely badly ; )

We tried to do 360 pivot... I might have gotten better a little bit, still it is very hard to do. How Sensei does it like, like a pair of compasses. I will keep trying, it will come someday.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Golden Week : Kyoto Trip

Kyoto Trip to meet Payet Sensei.

Kyoto Trip

We finally reached to Kyoto to meet Payet Sensei. We have been talking about it, I have been hoping to do it since I met a few people who learned from him. I guess it was the right time for me to finally meet him.

Payet Sensei tells us to put "Zero Power", yet to be stronger with hips and knees. He often tap/slap/punch our shoulders to loose the intensity, then put our hips down to where we had never imagined before... it felt like to be stronger with lower body 5 or even 10 times than I usually do, and being zero with upper body. Its like...his will stays in his lower body and shows nothing (meaning no ego) with his upper body. But the will stays in his lower body is so strong, like no power can move him.

How he conducts the class is not too formal, I mean in pattern wise, it starts with parts of the movements, including kihon dosa, then move on to techniques. His dojo has many beginners but it's like they are doing the techniques before they know it.