Monday, August 16, 2010

Shochugeiko 2010 Day 1 SHIHONAGE

Shochugeiko Started!

I was really glad that I didn't pass out!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kept Moving, Kept Sweating...

Back Breakfalls (10)
Kihon Dosa
Random Techniques

Class of 3.  We kept moving on San-nin Dori throughout the hour. Repeating the same technique two times with 2 different ukes, around 10 demonstration, along with MASSIVE SWEAT!

The more you train, not only the better you get, also the better you can manage the tiredness etc...
When You don't know much, or you have a little experience, you tend to think much or do things with your own expectation even without knowing. My point is that you learn what to keep/ what to drop to do/to think, in the physically/mentally tough situation. This can be described as "economizing your movement", I think.

Interestingly...the less you do, the better your techniques get. The less you think, the better your body moves...

I guess whats important and yet difficult to do is to stay focus.

I think I like isolating myself from the world and focus on the technique I am doing. These moments gives me the reason to stay on training.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Showcase Page Fully Geared!

I spent some time to make my Showcase Central page fully geared.
This showcase is to introduce my blog (means this!), and also to introduce my Aikido history with photos and videos. This comes in English and Japanese. I find it quite difficult to write in 2 languages in the exacly the same manner, so there are differences.

I took my 2nd dan Test in March 2009, I was happy that I simply went through it. I was quite proud of myself for that I did not stop or show the sign that I was holding back at any point. But now I think of it after sometime (over a year...), there are places that can be improved. (Of course there is!)

For Kotegaeshi is making too big circle, it probably makes it hard for some people to just flip out if they are not so confident flipping in any direction. That's one of the points I really want to be careful when I will practice Kotegaeshi for the next time.

I picked up only a part to make the videos for this showcase page...maybe I should look into the test video really closely and see what I have to work on more...

I know I have said this many times in many places but I can't say this enough...I have been lucky in every possible way for my Aikido. I can not thank enough to people who supported me to come to this point.

Ushiro waza

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikakjo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo-2 (up to Sankajo)

Class of 5. I thought it goes with Ikkajo all way through the class but Sensei mixed with Sankajo as well.

Ushirowaza...not only the movements look complicated, there are many factors you have to keep pay attention to...

I think the most important point of all is to keep you balance (when this isnt important...!)
Believe it or not, Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho is a great practice you can apply to many many techniques the same concept of staying in balance and keep moving at the same time.

Taking a step back as you keep everything else in Ushiro movement is a tough move but if you can keep your back gets much easier and makes much more sense.