All Japan Yoshinkan Embu: Nov 20 2010
This is what's happening next for my aikido. I have been participating in Embu for several years but it has been always as a student. This year, I am going to fill the position for an instuctor demo since my two teachers can not make it on the day.
I am confident to say, that I am freaking out of the idea of going for it, but what has to be done has to be done, unfortunately, crying wouldn't do...
Luckily, a good friend who introduced me to this aikido world, also introduced this video at the very right timing. (Yeah it's you again, Brad!)
All I have to do is to do it, damn right...yet that is the hardest thing.
I have been training, that hasn't changed much but I gained quite a bit of weight.
I can blame on many things for gaining weight (and losing the moves!), yet again crying would not do for me to come onto the embu mat in a month, and I decided to push myself to the edge.
Well, comment for today, let's put it this way...this clip totally shows "the start" and say no more...I have a lot to work on, we have a lot to work on.. and a month to do it...Let's see what we can pull off... Here is "the start clip with Steve."
And with Jaye who is 8 years old, and just started flipping. Don't miss the smile he can not hide everytime he flipped.