Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday 5:45, June 24 2008

Sokumen Iriminage

Yokomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1

Class of 2.

Throughout the class, I was trying to remember how I used to do this technique in the beginning, and what I did not know in the beginning, and how it is different now from a few years ago...could not come up with much of anything...

The differences I could say is that I may be keeping my kamae better than before when I'm in the technique. I may be pivoting slightly better than 2 years ago...still, I'm sure I would struggle doing this technique with people bigger than me.

However, I realized what I am really doing without thinking to keep my kamae, there is a lot to do actually... but I dont know how I do it, I just do it...I dont think I can do all of it IF I am thinking of doing.

For Ushiro Ryote-2, I think this technique is cool, as simple as it can be. Shite doesnt have to do much at all except regular ushiro egg hands and pivoting...you find Sokumen right there...I think.

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