Tuesday, June 9, 2009

June 9 2009_Tuesday 7:00

Yokomen Uchi Technques

I thought we should start moving more...but this wasnt exactly what I was expecting to start the class... : )

50 pushups
30 situp backwards

2 rounds of dojo-shikkoho

Hiriki no Yosei-1

Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1&2
Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1&2

As we reached to Hiriki no Yosei-1...we were covered by massive sweat in the nicely humid morning. I never like or being good at pushups, 50 is a quite large number for me...I knew it was becoming shallower and shallower towards the end but I made myself going all up to 50, thinking...havent pushed anything further like this in a quite sometime...

I felt I was doing any of the techniques right, especially Shomen Iriminage-1, I was not getting to make the space to come close enough to Uke I was working on today even once. Still, sometimes I was only deep enough to make the throw straight forward from where I was without force.

Again, I totally forgot about keeping my back legs straight and steady throughout the class.
I will try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Hey! :)

It's Tim, Mike's brother - thought I'd let you know - Piper (who was quite impressed with you, btw) began taking aikido when we returned from Japan - it is Jiseikan, but Sensei is great, and she is enjoying it!
