Friday, January 28, 2011

Pre Kangeiko Training

Our annual KANGEIKO starts on Monday.
We (another student and I, we are very small right in these days...) went through basic techniques to prepare for the coming week.


All 1 & 2 techniques, 10 techniques total...pointing out only a few points in each techniques, still made it through 10 of them. It was fun to go through techniques after techniques after all. We go through as many techniques as possible during Kangeiko/Shochugeiko...the difference between those 2 is...the weather...The coldest time of the year or the hottest...its harder to come to the dojo when its cold, its harder to go through the class when its hot.
I have just started going to school on Wednesdays and I am planning to do 7 days out of 9...The first time the 7th year that I will not do all days...I will see how I feel about this.

We made a quite a Showcase page for the last Shochugeiko, its good to have something like this ; )


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