Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Shumatsu Dosa and Shihonage

I knew one time acupuncture wouldn't cure the pain all the way...back pain is back. 
Still, its better than before Saturday, that is a relief.

Back to training, Shumatsu Dosa and Shihonage.
If you are focusing on one thing, another slips away and back and back and...

We got pointed out that we were caring much less of the back hip which makes the whole body well balanced and too much focusing on going forward as pushing the forward hip.

It is a natural movement to care about what's in front but what's more important is to keep you steady and balanced, and that keeps you strong...right right right...

The biggest discovery, as I make the Shihonage-throw, I always end up having my heel off the mat which gives me no space to push forward for "shime", I always thought I never forget this point, but I just cant find the space to do it...What I was doing wrong was the where I place my feet...


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