Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday 7:00, April 17, 2008


Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyu-ho-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Kokyunage-1 & 2

Class of 6. I do remember having the hardest time when I first learned Kokyu-ho. It still is difficult, I don't think I can never get it right or anything but I do see some points in some parts, at least what I am totally not doing right : )

The points I try to get are:
To keep Uke on the edge of the line, so Uke can not let the hands go or push back.
To keep the strong kamae, throw comes from the hips (like everything else...)

The hip tilting action. I recently realized I can do it in a "kinda" way, even in Suwari. I dont think I was nearly there to do it 3 years ago. That is a big progress! Mike Sensei shows it to us all the time, and I remember Robert Sensei often ( or all the time) shows, and its clear that where Mike Sensei learned it from. Also, I hear that Takeno Sensei often shows it too, that they learned from late Shioda Sensei...going through generations...the idea is neat : )

I don't know exactly how long its been going on...maybe with the new apartment...or its just because spring...Lucy wakes up at 3:00am everyday...and annoyingly, wake me up everyday...
I do remember similar pattern happend last year, so maybe because spring is the reason.

Spring can be tough to go through, herb tea helps, but only by a little bit, so maybe I should change the direction of my bed or something...maybe worth looking into stuff like that. I just need a decent sleep... my back is so tight!!

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