Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Saturday 18:15, July 19 2008

Technique after technique...

Back breakfalls (40)

Ikkajo 1&2 (Shomen Uchi/Suwari, Yokomen Uchi/Suwari)
Shihonage (Hanmi Handachi Ryote Mochi, Shomen Uchi)
Sankajo 1&2 (Ushiro Ryote Mochi)
Kotegaeshi (Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi 1 & 2, Kagari geiko)

Class of 4, kept on technique after technique, stopped every so often for questions/thoughts.
We all got sweat like stupid, did not have time to think much else.

Training with big people gives me only the fine line/spot can make the techniques to work, need to be much much more precise.

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