Wednesday, January 9, 2008

1: January 8, Tuesday 7:00

The First Class 2008
Forward Rolls
Back Breakfalls (50)
Kihon Dosa
-Taino Henko-1 & 2
-Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2
-Shumatsu Dosa- 1 & 2
Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shumatsu Dosa with partner
The opening class of the year. Class of 5 with Roland Sensei. Kept working on 3 pairs.
The first day back is always hard, and always makes me realize it would be easier to keep training. Today, I was questioning myself with anything we did, "I'm supposed to know how to do this, but it doesnt feel like I do at all!"
It should take like a week for things to come back...
I had a night shift last night so had to work late, it was hard getting up at 5 after 3 weeks but it was good to remember how it feels to train in the morning. It is hard, but its better to have Aikido in the beginnig of the day.

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