I started Aikido without knowing a thing about it... I guess I am a living proof of an obsession can bring you to what you want. I am talking about a "real" obsession here...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wednesday 7:00, July 30 2008
Nikajo Practice
Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1(Tachi & Suwari / Basic Technique)
Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-2 (Tachi & Suwari / Basic Technique)
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 (Tachi & Suwari / Basic Technique)
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 (Tachi & Suwari / Basic Technique)
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 (Advanced Technique)
Mae Mune Ryote Mochi Nikajo -1 (Self Defence)
Mae Mune Royte Mochi Nikajo -2 (Self Defence)
Ushiro Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 (Self Defence)
Note: Class of 10
Wednesday 5:45, July 30 2008
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2 (Tachi & Suwari)
Class of 2,
Tuesday 7:00, July 29 2008
Kihon dosa:
Hiriki no yosei 1 & 2 with Partner
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Kata Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryohiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Nage
Kihon dosa:
Shumatsu doza 1 & 2 with Partner
Note: Class of 10.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday 7:00, July 28, 2008
Kihon Dosa (25 mins)
Class of 9, Shochugeiko started.
I hit my head 3 times as Sensei's uke...AGAIN...OUCH!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday 5:45, July 24 2008
Kihon dosa with partner
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1&2
Ushirowaza Katate Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1&2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 &2
Ushirowaza Katate Eri Mochi Sankajo Osae-1&2
Shomen Uchi Shihonage
Class of 5. So much to do, but so little you can move in this heat! Summer is tough...you get covered with your own AND your partner's sweat...dogi soaked...mat gets slippery, you body wears down very quickly...what you are able to keep in that condition? Not many... so you have to choose what to drop and what to keep. Kamae, focus, kiai...keeps you in control, mostly from you mind, I think.
This is really hard...but you find "something" if you train through it when the heat goes away...or I hope : )
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday 5:45, July 23 2008
Ushiro Ryohiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Class of 3
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday 5:45, July 22 2008
Kihon dosa with partner.
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1
Called out techniques from the list
Note: Class of 5! Kept working on for an hour other than questions...hot summer is right here...my brain gets blurred in summer...
Hanmi Handachi Shihonage...not coming up with the knee...I was never ever able to do it before but today I kinda felt the difference. need to work on more.
Monday 7:00, July 21 2008
Kihon dosa with partner
Techniques from the whole list of his test.
Note: I had a good day : )
I was able to keep my kamae without trying too hard for the whole hour. Still, Ikkajo 2 meant like nothing...still it was a good hour to not to lose something (especially kamae!)
Saturday 18:15, July 19 2008
Back breakfalls (40)
Ikkajo 1&2 (Shomen Uchi/Suwari, Yokomen Uchi/Suwari)
Shihonage (Hanmi Handachi Ryote Mochi, Shomen Uchi)
Sankajo 1&2 (Ushiro Ryote Mochi)
Kotegaeshi (Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi 1 & 2, Kagari geiko)
Class of 4, kept on technique after technique, stopped every so often for questions/thoughts.
We all got sweat like stupid, did not have time to think much else.
Training with big people gives me only the fine line/spot can make the techniques to work, need to be much much more precise.
Friday 19:00, July 18 2008
Shomen Tsuki Hijishime
Suwariwaza Shomen Tsuki Hijishime
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi
Shomen Tsuki Hijiate Kokyunage1 & 2
I got bruised with Hijishime on the knee...Sensei's Hijishime was quick..could not take a good uke.
In Suwari, (or even in tachi) I can never get Hijishime...Sensei told me my hips are not low enough...oh...that makes sense!
Hijiate Kokyunage demo, Sensei threw me with a great speed, I was very comfortable just going with the speed, did not have to worry about my elbow to be taken...yet one he got me a big deeper and worried about my elbow and stopped the throw when I was in the air...my body was left out in the air lost the direction...I was thrown away...a lesson learned that the circle has to go all the way to make the circle : )
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday 6:00 : July 14, 2008
Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1
Jiyuwaza Drill
Note: will update later
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Thursday 5:45, July 3 2008
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-2
Class of 4, all about Kotegaeshi.
I could not turn around (the part to get into Hiriki no Yosei-2) without coming up, I think I was not getting turning around knee spiral quite right...hips were not stable enough to do it either.
I like Koteageshi-2, it flows itself...but 1 is hard...I finally realized that I dont understand 1 at all...
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday 7:00, June 25 2008
Taisabaki practice
Shomen Uchi, Shomen Uchi Hijiate Kokyunage
Yokomen Uchi, Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi
Class of 6, move in the speed, feel the rhythm class.
2 sets of Kagari geiko...Sensei told us to keep moving fast. I can not quite keep everything with speed...so I lost kamae (did not mean to do but I did) and kept on speed. However, I do like moving in rhythm, yet I have tendency to get too excited...thats what I have been working on try not to get too excited...sigh...
One thing at a time...not to get sloppy in speed.
Thursday 5:45, June 25 2008
Katate Mochi Shihonage-1&2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae- 1&2
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1&2
Yokomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1&2
Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1&2
Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1&2
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1&2
Kata Mochi Hijishime-1
Note: Class of 3. We kept on going the Dai Ichi Techniques without stopping. 15 techniques x 3...45 techniques in 50 mins...but Osae techniques takes longer than Nage ones...so...thats just a start, let's see how we'll do at the end of summer.
I was aiming to go too fast...but I found myself having not enough kamae all way through any techniques, found sometimes even my weight shifting in the middle point...of course, my movement was very weak, and used strength time to time...
3 weeks off costing me quite a bit...gained some weight is not helping either. Ummmmm.....really need to focus more and push more at every moment.
I don't like my Aikido becomes sloppy.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday 5:45, June 25, 2008
Ushirowaza Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Class of 3. We kept on going with 5 techniques...without words!
It was interesting to work on Tachi and Suwari techniques at the same time.
Suwari waza takes much more effort...as its easier to walk on foot rather than knees...maybe ; )
And I always get confused for pivoting work on Suwari techniques...which part you CAN walk (knee walk) or CAN NOT, and I hardly ever remember to push it with my back knee to go forward.
So so so much to remember...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Tuesday 5:45, June 24 2008
Yokomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Class of 2.
Throughout the class, I was trying to remember how I used to do this technique in the beginning, and what I did not know in the beginning, and how it is different now from a few years ago...could not come up with much of anything...
The differences I could say is that I may be keeping my kamae better than before when I'm in the technique. I may be pivoting slightly better than 2 years ago...still, I'm sure I would struggle doing this technique with people bigger than me.
However, I realized what I am really doing without thinking to keep my kamae, there is a lot to do actually... but I dont know how I do it, I just do it...I dont think I can do all of it IF I am thinking of doing.
For Ushiro Ryote-2, I think this technique is cool, as simple as it can be. Shite doesnt have to do much at all except regular ushiro egg hands and pivoting...you find Sokumen right there...I think.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Wednesday 7:00, May 14, 2008
9th kyu test
Class of 11...Big class on Wednesday again.
Trained with 4 people, quite new people, I am afraid I did not lead well, it was a bit chaotic.
Its hard to pick the right point, at the right time...
Wednesday 5:45, May 14, 2008
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ikkajo, simple yet powerful technique, and of course difficult : )
I come to realize...I am not putting into much details as Sensei tells us to do.
I was amazed by the fact I was missing so many... have to fix that.
Also, things I started to manage not knowing the exact ways should be cleared as I find them. Today, we have asked how to sit in seiza together for suwariwaza. (that probably sensei told us before...) We come closer from kamae (as hands' cross) and sit together, should end up having 2 fists distance in between.
And the PIN! So much in it...there is no need to hurry to finish, there are so much to do. The key is to continue what you get (this case, Ikkajo with elbow)
I need to work on more with the angle of the last outside step (yet of course, suriashi) with Ikkajo-1, supposed to make the circle with uke's shoulder and my suriashi. I think I was trying to go too far, and losing balance, that I was pointed out the other day, so I fixed it to make it smaller along with different angle. (denied by Mike Sensei...I knew it was coming ; ))
After all, it was not the direction, it was the angle I was not doing quite right.
Very simple technique, makes my brain confused...(that happens often) : )
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday 7:00, May 13, 2008
Forward roll practice (using chairs)
Flip practice
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Shumatsu Dosa-1 & 2 with partner
Note: Class of 6, Quite a bit of rolls/flips practice
We often take Sensie's uke for demo in the class, I used to think people who are in the certain level move almost the same...I really wondered why...now, I think I am doing pretty much the same way I used to watch, of course, I learned the safer way to take uke, that leads to almost the same manner...and also I think I can react better what Shite person is putting me in.
Tuesday 5:45, May 13, 2008
Kata Mochi Hijishime-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijishime-1&2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1
Katate Mochi Hijishime-1 & 2 (non basic)
Class of 3, I thought Hijishime was much more like Ikkajo...the secret of difference is revealed...
For Ikkajo, Shite wants to put Uke far ahead of yourself to keep the shoulder control as Shite going ahead (even in 2 techniques, you are going ahead).
For Hijishime, Shite wants to keep Uke close to you, so distancing is different. It is not the bigger circle the better.
I thought I found the light to figure Hijishime out when I thought realized the similality between Ikkajo and Hijishime...now, I am back in a maze again : )
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wednesday 5:45 : May 7, 2008
Tai no Henko-2
360 degree pivot
Kata Mochi Hijishime-1
Class of 3. Happy to do hijishime since no chance to hit my head unless I do something extremely badly ; )
We tried to do 360 pivot... I might have gotten better a little bit, still it is very hard to do. How Sensei does it like, like a pair of compasses. I will keep trying, it will come someday.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Golden Week : Kyoto Trip
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Kyoto Trip |
We finally reached to Kyoto to meet Payet Sensei. We have been talking about it, I have been hoping to do it since I met a few people who learned from him. I guess it was the right time for me to finally meet him.
Payet Sensei tells us to put "Zero Power", yet to be stronger with hips and knees. He often tap/slap/punch our shoulders to loose the intensity, then put our hips down to where we had never imagined before... it felt like to be stronger with lower body 5 or even 10 times than I usually do, and being zero with upper body. Its like...his will stays in his lower body and shows nothing (meaning no ego) with his upper body. But the will stays in his lower body is so strong, like no power can move him.
How he conducts the class is not too formal, I mean in pattern wise, it starts with parts of the movements, including kihon dosa, then move on to techniques. His dojo has many beginners but it's like they are doing the techniques before they know it.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday 7:00 : April 30, 2008
180 pivot then move forward practice
180 pivot then move to the side in suwari practice
Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2 (Tachi & Suwari)(& Hajime)
Note: Class of 6. Its getting warm...Spring is almost ending, it means..."Summer" is coming : )
As soon as we started moving, sweat started to come down from my head.
Suwari techniques are simply harder than Tachi (I think), but it teaches us how to move with knees and hips more than Tachi. For short people, I think its a great way to learn the whole movement without having so much height difference.
It was quite interesting to find my competitiveness in Hajime...I just hate to be bihind the call, I probably did not have even 40% of the movements right during Hajime today...but I had not to be behind the call. I remember being not so fast in the beginning of the days even I knew the technique, I could not do it so fast...I think I'm getting faster compare to before, so there is a hope for me to get faster.
There is a hope for me to make my speed faster.
Wednesday 5:45 : April 30, 2008
fixed points: hands' height. (ring finger:upper hand, middle finger:lower hand parallel to the mat)
Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Class of 3. Its hard to kill the bad habit...working on the details, we are supposed to not to miss the points, rather make it emphasize till we get them. But those things are simply hard to do (thats why not doing it in the first place!), so its so easy to be missed...
Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage, I find it one of the most difficult ones to do.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday 18:15 : April 26, 2008
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Shomen Iriminage-1&2
in pairs, in kagari geiko...
Note: Class of 6. I like Tenchinage-1 (its difficult but I like the movement), Tenchinage-2 is very difficult. I have no idea how to bring uke around in the beginning. Sensei told me to try to move Uke with uke's back foot, not with the arms.
Friday 7:00 : April 25, 2008
Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1
Ushiro Ryote Mochi Hijishime-2
Ushiro Ryote Mochi Kokyunage
Note: Class of 6,
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thursday 7:00: April 24, 2008
Suwariwaza Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Hiji Mochi Nikajo (not the whole technique)
Shumatsu Dosa 1 & 2 with partner
Note: Class of 7,
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Thursday 5:45: April 24, 2008
Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Ryote Mochi Yonkajo Nage
Class of 3. Different speed, different intention...Sensei's tips everywhere.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Tuesday 7:00, April 22, 2008
Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-1&2
Hanmi Handachi Ryote Mochi Shihonage
Katate Mochi Shihonage (throw-Kagari geiko)
Note: Class of 9, hips and knees...along with elbows...
Tuesday 5:45, April 22, 2008
Yonkajo Week
Tai no Henko-2
Suriashi (go forward, step back, go forward)
Shomen Uchi Yonkajo-1
Note: Class of 3, back to regular training. Started with Suriashi with very detailed instruction.
One of my topics is to find my regular speed, in order to get the faster speed. I missed many points yet I kept going as I tried hiding/fixing at the same time, Sensei found it "looked like over confident" move...I did not know what he meant, I had to ask what exactly what he meant. My concern was that if I was showing any "confidence"...wanted to know "how" I did it. It turned out he found it as if I kept going as not caring the points I was supposed to do...that was not I was trying to do but it was good to find out that my intention was not working, so I have to fix it.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Saturday 18:15: April 18, 2008
Tai no Henko-2 with partner
Katate Mochi Kokyunage
- Straight in throw (plus Hajime)
- Pivot as throw (plus Hajime)
- Straight in throw
- Pivot as throw
Shumatsu Dosa 1 & 2
I totally lost track of time before the class, had to be sure that I was running later than usual so had to hurry up changing..., being late for the class for a few minutes could have been avoided...Since I was late for the class, had no idea what Sensei knew about the class from Friday night. Still, it was too good to be true to have deja vu like that... the secret was that one of us revealed the scene of it to Sensei before the class. Then, he rearranged it and we we were able to have the recap class. I was glad to have the second chance so soon because I was not quite happy the way I put myself in the night before...
Gosh...my left upper arm is sore having massive katate mochi sessions 2 nights in a raw!
This probably means I am still using my muscle so hard to keep my kamae.
My general observation: people in the beginning tend to move with shoulder along with full of thoughts in the head, so their own body often left behind them. I'm sure I was there, and now I am conciously less tensed with shoulder and using back, still not quite coming down to hips and knees...more hips and knees.
How amazing small change in angles makes the differences! I felt it today with the angle of body made kamae so strong and stable. Keep the straight line from the top of the head to back of the heel...means "something" ; )
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Friday 19:00, April 18, 2008
180 pivot with partner
Kokyunages (4 patterns)
Shumatsu Dosa
I asked Sensei for fast but not get hurt ukemi practice, we ended up doing massive jiyuwaza practice starting from katate mochi.
The whole class was quite energetic, it was like...running for the whole hour. I did not go so fast as I probably could have...feeling me losing kamae, watching everyone losing kamae...I somehow paced it at the certain speed focused on not losing kamae as much as possible, I don't know that was the right thing to do since the topic was "speed". So I went with the speed I could without losing kamae, ended up not pushing where I did not know. However, on my last round of kagari-geiko, my body caught the further speed, then I tried it, had to pull ukes with that speed...am not so sure it was good for both sides after all.
The purpose of me working on speed is for taking Sensei's uke. I am too slow for Sensei's level. As Uke, I come up, aim for the target (especially with Katate/Ryote Mochi Jiyuwaza), then when I go for it, Sensei's hands are not there and I get lost in the beginning of the technique, that really sucks. I am not afraid of being thrown, nor the pain but I am afraid of not being able to do what I am supposed to do which is to attack right.
Maybe...or more like probably, I am still making unnecessary movements (including stupid unuseful thinking in my head), I should try to reduce any extra moves before trying to get any faster. Thats what I will try... before Urayasu embu, that sounds more reasonable : )
I am very very simple minded, so it makes it so much easier to have something (not somethings) in my mind to achive for at a time. Also, at the end of the day, you are the only person who can push you the hardest, its not Sensei nor training buddies, its only you, I mean...me.
If you keep training in the same manner, you still get better but if you try to push yourself everyday for even an inch...that makes a huge difference, I believe it does. Going through the tough class is one thing, and how well to do them is another. That strength can not be given even by the greatest teachers. I think you have to find it in yourself and push it out from you, I think they became the greatest because they found it for themselves.
Not having "this is enough" is one of the things I love about it.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday 7:00, April 17, 2008
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyu-ho-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Kokyunage-1 & 2
Class of 6. I do remember having the hardest time when I first learned Kokyu-ho. It still is difficult, I don't think I can never get it right or anything but I do see some points in some parts, at least what I am totally not doing right : )
The points I try to get are:
To keep Uke on the edge of the line, so Uke can not let the hands go or push back.
To keep the strong kamae, throw comes from the hips (like everything else...)
The hip tilting action. I recently realized I can do it in a "kinda" way, even in Suwari. I dont think I was nearly there to do it 3 years ago. That is a big progress! Mike Sensei shows it to us all the time, and I remember Robert Sensei often ( or all the time) shows, and its clear that where Mike Sensei learned it from. Also, I hear that Takeno Sensei often shows it too, that they learned from late Shioda Sensei...going through generations...the idea is neat : )
I don't know exactly how long its been going on...maybe with the new apartment...or its just because spring...Lucy wakes up at 3:00am everyday...and annoyingly, wake me up everyday...
I do remember similar pattern happend last year, so maybe because spring is the reason.
Spring can be tough to go through, herb tea helps, but only by a little bit, so maybe I should change the direction of my bed or something...maybe worth looking into stuff like that. I just need a decent sleep... my back is so tight!!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Wednesday 7:00, April 16 2008
I missed "hajime" today, since I was assigned to be with a person who came to try aikido for the first time. We were going through very basic movements, then Mike Sensei came to tell us to spare more space for the other group that were working on some technique.
Most of the people who were in the other group just finished beginners course. I don't think they knew what they could expect even when Sensei was explaning what they were supposed to do in Hajime session.
It was really too bad that I could not even take a good glance for whats going on...I was just too busy. Still, I could hear Sensei's voice getting louder as it went on,
"You guys are not fast enough!!, GO GO GO!!!"
It did sound like something fun was going on : )
I think its not so easy to conduct a class with Hajime session. At lease people have to know what to do, I think they learn how well to do with experience.
Many people get lost in tiredness...they cant even keep up with the call of "hajime"...thats understandable but it doesnt happen or hasnt happened to me yet. Even when I am behind the call, I some manage to keep up with the call so I am aware if I am on the call or behind it.
I don't look for it, but when I get to do Hajime, I could say I do it well, or I want to do it well otherwise, I regret it very badly.
Monday, April 14, 2008
April 13, 2008
It's over! I'm happy that it's done, it went well and no one died : )
I was running around from the day before, teachers were talking to the audience to open the embu...then I realized, "oh sh*t, no more practice time!"
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RYA Embu 2008 |
More pictures will be up shortly, I will put more note up shortly... I think.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday before Embu...
We had 4 weeks for Embu training this year. It felt like long and short.
And we have so many people participating compare to last year... its a very first embu for many people.
I do things like embu, test...as a part of the whole thing, I'm not so sure if I can say that I "look forward" to those events. Or, I don't ask for hard training such as like...hajime, but I sure do it when the time comes, and I hate not being able to go through, so I push hard. I do like the feeling, " I did it!" after going through them especially the hard ones, and I believe we get better after that.
Yes, this is what I like. To be able to train and get better.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday...in the middle of Embu Training days
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
February 26, Tuesday 7:00
... I don't know if I do or not...
It's easier to be a student, it was easier to train with big guys who knew more than me...all I had to do was "to try hard"...
February 26, Tuesday 5:45
Back to Training!
I got flu last week even had a fever after 20-so years!
I stand very light light light...not so good...
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
25: January 29, Tuesday 5:45
Class of 2
Monday, January 28, 2008
24: January 28, Monday 7:00
Kihon Dosa
Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2
Hanmi Handachi Ryote Mochi Shihonage
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1 & 2
Class of 7, with 2 Senseis. Kangeiko Started with 7 people. Hope to have more people in the next 10 days.
My worst Uke technique...Shihonage...I hit my head 3 times today on the demo. I tried to find the spot before going down, still my body made a turn in peculiar direction. I need to find the right position to put myself before fall comes.
23: January 26, Saturday 18:15
All Sokumen Iriminage
Tai no Henko-1 & 2 with partner
Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Hiji Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Yokomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage
Yokomen Uchi, Yonkajo, Sokumen Iriminage
Class of 5 with 2 Senseis. I was paired up with One of Senseis...for the whole 90 mins!
I did not break (barely), and survived!
I hate being so bad at falling backwards...actually, I'm pretty tired of being so bad at it.
I feels like I do NOT have the space to go around, and I end up smashing myself onto the mat.
It could be an angle, or distance I am having with Shite.
I know there was a huge improvement in my Uke for Suwari techniques as I somehow learned how to use my shoulder to bounce back. Its not quite the same for Tachi techniques since I am VERY vertically challenged, still there must be a way to do it better.
I should add this topic to my Aikido goal for this year.
22: January 25, Friday 19:00
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Nikajo Practice
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Class of 3,
Friday, January 25, 2008
21: January 24, Thursday 7:00
Shikkoho (3 rounds)
Forward rolls
Shomen Tsuki Practice
Shomen Tsuki Shionage (with throw)
Class of 7, Sensei told me, "I was meant to do Hijiate, but Uke moved for me to Shihonage, so we did Shihonage again".
20: January 24, Thursday 5:45
Ushiro Sankajo
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1
and more...
Class of 2. As the series continues, the amazing discovery continues as well.
We learn as we try to imitate what teachers are doing, but many times the interpretation is not quite the way they are doing. For example, how you put yourself preparing to fall is very important, maybe more than falling itself.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
19: January 23, Wednesday 7:00
...What's up with this SNOW!! How am I going to get home.....I'm riding my bike today!
Back Sideways Breakfalls (to come up)
Kokyuho Throw Practice
Shumatsu Dosa-1
Shumatsu Dosa-2
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-2
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-1
Note: Class of 7.
18: January 23, Wednesday 5:45
Sokumen Iriminage
Shomen Iriminage 1 & 2
Tenchi Nage-1
Class of 2. Uke series continues...There are so many things to do nor not to do. also so many things I do without realizing...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
17: January 22, Tuesday 7:00
Kamae (staying still while you are pulled, pushed)
Having that Kamae as a basic stance, Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-1 and Hajime
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-2 and Hajime
Class of 6. I could say..."Hajime" was the least I was expecting to do today...the funny thing about going through those exhausting exercise is how you regain your control as you reach to the certain tiring point. Or your body gets used to the motions you are repeating and you will see better after certain amount of time. Anyways, I always find it fascinating to find those unexpected regaining consciousness when I go beyond the certain tired point.
16: January 22, Tuesday 5:45
Uke Practice Series 1
Class of 2. Learning When and What to do as Uke can be very tough... if you move too fast, your Shite can not even apply what he/she is supposed to do, but if you move too slow... you mostly have to take all the pain even unnecesarily.
Monday, January 21, 2008
15: January 19, Saturday 18:15
Tai no Henko-1
Forward Rolls
Back Rolls
Side Rolls
Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Self defense using Sokumen from Punching
Note: Class of 5, I get stuck with words as I try to explain how to do the techniques...showing is easier telling is harder...
Quote of the year:
No Jagermaister When You Are Already DRUNK,
It Kills You.
14: January 18, Friday 19:00
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae - 2 (Non Basic)
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae, Kotegaeshi (Non Basic)
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Note: Class of 6
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
8: January 14, Monday 15:30
Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-4
Class of 20ish
Thursday, January 10, 2008
5: January 10, Thursday 7:00
Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2
Class of 3. All in Suwari! My big toes were hurting towards the end.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
3: January 9, Wednesday 7:00
180 pivot
Hiriki no Yosei-2
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-2
at the end,
Kind of Hajime Style by changing the partner around for a few minutes.
Class of 6, I did not move much, or it felt like that way for some reason. But I was hungry for the last half an hour, not taking VAAM in between the classes was not a good idea. I will make sure to take one tomorrow.
Shomen Iriminage-2 is a big/long technique, its hard to remember in the beginning and its hard to do even you know the steps, still its a very neat technique. You can get easily confused where you are by turning around 360 degrees in one shot. It becomes a lot easier once you understand the mechanism, but it takes time...I don't even remember how long it took me...Yet, again once you realize what needs to be done and your body starts to stay in Kamae...there really is not much moving around...is how I see it now.
Bicycle ride is great! Even it has a killer hill around Iikura area, still enjoyable. Although, it changed the whole morning pattern of mine, like drinking coffee is not possible as riding a bike and stuff... It should start coming around in a few weeks or so, but it feels much better to be able to commute by bike (except for the rainy day)
2: January 9, Wednesday 5:45
The top 3:
- 2 dan Test in December
- Not to freak out before the test (so much)
- Keep up with my blog